Wow! It’s hard to believe we are already counting down winter break…not that I’m complaining. 😉 I am definitely looking forward to two weeks off to enjoy family, friends and shopping! If you’re like me, you find it difficult to make use of all your resources for December given that it’s a short “therapy” month. As winter break approaches, I look thorough my December bin and realize I was not able to use all of the activities I created or purchased for December. So, here’s a possible solution: send the resources, specifically the “no prep” pages! There are perfect carry-over activities. I always send home calendars with my students over summer break, but two weeks off for winter breaks provided multiple opportunities for speech therapy home practice as well.

During the winter break parents can help their child maintain communication skills learned during the first semester. Providing students with fun, engaging activities is a great way to make practicing target skills more enjoyable. I attach a calendar with daily activities to target their child’s communication along with a few activity pages that target their specific IEP goals. I have 3 separate calendars for articulation, language and fluency. Activities are designed to be completed in 10-15 minutes and can be done as often as their schedule allows. I encourage my students to return the calendar when school resumes to receive a small prize to reward them for their hard work. I attach these pages to their progress reports so that parents are more likely to see them and encourage speech therapy home practice.

You can grab the calendars for FREE HERE! Happy Holidays! Have a wonderful winter break!