Free One Page Book Companions
I LOVE BOOKS! Reading pictures books is a frequent, even weekly, activity in my speech therapy room. The pictures provide the perfect visuals for my early language learners and the themes or morals support high level thinkers working on metalinguistic skills. I often pull books that have a central theme and develop my therapy lessons around that topic. Of course, the lesson itself is more than just reading the story. It’s asking comprehension questions, illustrating and discussing new vocabulary and incorporating the student’s individualized therapy goals.

To help fully incorporate literature into your therapy sessions, I have created a one page story review for ten of my favorite books. For this first series, I selected books centered around the theme of animals. With each book, I am able to target comprehension, comparing and contrasting, opposites, multiple meaning words, analogies, describing and sequencing. I have condensed all of these target areas onto one page for each book! The best part, they are FREE!

I often have parents ask me, what they can do at home to help their child and my number one response is, “read to them.” With these One Page Story Review sheets, it makes it extremely easy for parents to engage with their child at home and help foster language growth.

10 Books with Free Companions
“Harry the Dirty Dog” By Gene Zion
“Mother Bruce” By Ryan T. Higgins
“The Pout-Pout Fish” By Deborah Diesen
“Bear Snores On” By Karma Wilson
“The Gruffalo” By Julia Donaldson
“A Kissing Hand” By Audrey Penn
“If You Give A Pig A Pancake” By Laura Numeroff
“Big Chickens” By Leslie Helakoski
“Shark Kiss, Octopus Hug” By Lynn Rowe Reed
“Moosetache” By Margie Palatini
You can download all 10 pages for FREE! Leave your email below and I will send them directly to your inbox.