Adapting. Modifying. Changing. Adjusting. Converting. These are all actions that we are taking to meet the needs of our students during distance learning. We are continuing to evaluate and navigate the best method and resources to support our students. One type of resource that I have found to be beneficial during this time are BOOM CARDS™ for speech therapy. BOOM CARDS™ are functional for speech therapy during distance learning as well as when we are face-to-face with students again.

BOOM CARDS™ are digital, interactive task cards. Several cards are self-checking providing students with immediate feedback for their responses. This feature makes BOOM CARDS™ perfect for home-practice as well. You can use with most devices (computer, iPad, tablet, Smartboard, or smartphone), as long as you have an internet connection.

You can purchase BOOM CARDS™ directly through the Boom Learning website or on Teachers Pay Teachers. If you purchase the cards directly from Boom Learning, the cards will appear in your “Library” in your Boom Learning account. If you purchase the cards on Teachers Pay Teachers, you may need to download the PDF and click the link provided to access the BOOM CARDS™.

To use BOOM CARDS™, you must open at least a A FREE Boom Learning Account (just like you have to have a Google account to use Google resources).

You can assign BOOM CARDS™ to students through various online platforms including Google Classroom and Seesaw. There are 2 links that you can use when assigning the cards to your students, “Fast Pin” and “Hyperplay Link.”

Fast Pin– This link will allow students to play immediately and does NOT require a login. This link does not report student data. Also, the link expires after 14 days for paid accounts.
Hyperplay Link- This will REQUIRE students to login; however, you will have access to the results or data from your students’ performance. This link with not expire.
BOOM CARDS™ also has an app that allows you to assign cards to students directly from your phone or tablet. Students can enjoy the digital, interactive task cards on the road or at home.

So you have made the invest in BOOM CARDS™ and you want to know how you can continue to use them when we return to in-person instruction. Here are 3 ways you can continue to use BOOM CARDS™:
- Assign BOOM CARDS™ for home-practice: BOOM CARDS™ are perfect for students to complete at home for carry-over practice. Several of my decks have a “text-to-speech” feature allowing students to complete them independently.
- Use BOOM CARDS™ in center rotations: Managing mixed groups with multiple goals can be challenging. BOOM CARDS™ allows Student A to practice a skill while you instruct/drill Student B.
- Print the BOOM CARDS™: While this is not their intended use, you can print the cards to create hands-on task cards for your students. You can laminate the cards and use them with a dry erase marker.

Check out all of my BOOM CARDS™ on Teachers Pay Teachers or on Boom Learning. You can try this FREE deck and explore the magic of BOOM CARDS™.